sprint3 Supplier

sprint3 Supplier

The central product is called Sprint3 Supplier. Participating suppliers (currently 26) each have an instance of Sprint3 supplier into which they enter / load their product and catalogue data. Their existing retail distribution network logs on to these Sprint3s as required to enquire about products and place orders. Sprint3 Supplier is built from the ground up as a B2B tool with features to support the day to day transactions between a supplier and their network of independent retailers. It goes beyond a normal B2C shopping basket solution in many ways. • extensive user groups and permissions concept • multiple price lists • a range of order commenting options • public / private price column mode • multiple holdings locations • multiple options for how to display quantity-on-hand • the ability for retailers to build up multiple orders at once • EDI features such as purchase order import Specialised data structures such as the fitments search area also set it apart from standard B2B solutions. Sample screen-shots are shown below, and include functionality to: • Maintain catalogue data • Maintain fitment charts • Maintain a library of media • Maintain their users • Track user activity • Review pending orders


Detail from sales email


Suppliers maintain two core areas in Sprint3 – the stocklist and the catalogue. The stocklist is uploaded automatically on a regular basis (up to hourly) from your system (various), it provides dealers with up to date information on stock availability and pricing. The catalogue takes this information further by adding images, full product descriptions and product resources. Dealers can search through both areas and add items to their order. When the dealer places the order an email is sent to your designated email address with an XML attachment which can then be imported back into your ERP system.


Sprint3 allows you to control exactly what dealers have access to what information – each dealer belongs to a user-group and each user-group can be assigned access to different stock groups.


The key benefits of using Sprint3 are:


For you as supplier

•             instant and cost competitive distribution of business data to your retailers (ie Internet based stocklist, no physical mailing out of stocklist, retailers can answer their own price and availability enquiries, bulk e-mail dealers)

•             lower order handling costs due to the quality of information supplied by your retailers

•             less chance of order picking errors due to misread faxes or misunderstood phone calls

•             fixed monthly costs mean simplified IT budget

•             system is constantly upgraded with no intervention required


For your retail network


•             able to offer better service to their customers through timely information available seven days a week

•             able to turn lookers into buyers with accurate information – ie “the product is available I can order it for you now”

•             reduced communication costs

•             increases retailer motivation as provides an easy and accessible way to gather critical information


For the end customer


•             answers to their questions quickly with a high level of accuracy

•             less chance of error in order

•             better follow up of order as retailers can use specific sprint3 features to trace the progress of the order across multiple staff members

•             key items more likely to be in stock at the retailer due to the collaborative features of sprint3